Importance of Vitamins for Human Health

Vitamins are one of the most important nutrients for human body. To be healthy and for proper functioning of all human organs Vitamins are essential. Vitamins are essential for natural growth and development of every multi cellular organism. Right from the inception of a human fetus to old people, Vitamins are one of the most important supporting elements in their growth. During pregnancy period diets taken by a pregnant woman directly relates to the growth of fetus in womb. Therefore, Gynecologists suggest them to take diets according to the need of child developing inside their body.

Classification of Vitamins

Vitamins are classified into different groups alphabetically, according to their chemical structures and their ingredient elements. There are following types of Vitamins: 1.Vitamin A Retinol 2.Vitamin B There are several sub types of Vitamin B, with different scientific names. a.Vitamin B1 Thiamine b.Vitamin B2 Riboflavin c.Vitamin B3 Niacin/Niacinamide d.Vitamin B4 Adenine e.Vitamin B5 Pantothenic Acid f.Vitamin B6 Pyridoxine g.Vitamin B7 Biotin h.Vitamin B8 Inositol i.Vitamin B9 Folic Acid j.Vitamin B10 Pteroylmonoglutamic Acid k.Vitamin B11 Choline l.Vitamin B12 Methylcobalamin 3.Vitamin C Ascorbic Acid 4.Vitamin D Calciferol 5.Vitamin E Tocopherol 6.Vitamin K Menaquinones

There are other less known types of Vitamins too, each one with different set of importance for human body and other chemical usage.

Vitamins for Sense Organs

Vitamins are very important for all our sense organs. Lack of Vitamins can lead to problems in functioning of our sense organs. Vitamins, their importance and the diseases caused by lack of those vitamins are as follows: 1.Vitamin A (retinol) is helpful for our eyes. Lack of Vitamin A can result to Night Blindness. 2.Vitamin B and its variants are important for several reasons, lack of them can result Beriberi, Ariboflavinosis, Pellagra, Paresthesia, Anemia and other deficiency diseases. 3.Vitamin C is helpful for our skin. Lack of Vitamin C can result Scurvy. 4.Vitamin D is helpful for our bones and their growth. Lack of Vitamin D can result Rickets and Osteomalacia. 5.Vitamin E is helpful for infants, lack of this Vitamin can result Anemia in infants.

Popular Sources of Vitamins

You do not need to look for any special diet elements or medicines to fulfill the requirement of Vitamins in your body. Seasonal fruits and vegetables are rich source of Vitamins. Regular inclusion of them in your diet can protect you from all the deficiency diseases caused by improper intake of Vitamins.