Nutrition Tips For People On A Weight Loss Program

People on weight loss programs often focus so much on losing weight that they forget an important aspect of staying healthy that is, providing nutrition to the body.

If you are on a weight loss program, you should follow the important diet tips given here.

Include A Lot Of Vegetables And Fruits In Your Diet

Vegetables and fruits are a good source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They are low in calories and high in fiber. Therefore, you should include plenty of vegetables and fruits, of varying colors, in your diet. This will help you to lose weight faster and also keep you full.

Avoid Empty Calories

Empty calories refer to food items that are high in calories but low in nutrition. Some examples of such food items are aerated drinks, French fries, cookies, white bread and so forth. These food items are not useful for the body. They make the digestive system sluggish and inefficient. It is best for a person to refrain from consuming these food items irrespective of whether he or she is trying to lose weight or not.

Have Small Meals At Regular Intervals

Instead of having three big meals a day, you should eat five to six small meals at small intervals of three to four hours. Eating small meals helps in improving metabolism. It also helps in easy digestion and maintaining uniform energy level throughout the day. You should include a variety of foods in your meals so that your body gets proper nutrition. For example, if you have a sandwich, which is high in carbohydrates, for breakfast, you should have fruits and nuts in between breakfast and lunch, and tofu or lean meat, which are high in proteins, for lunch. In this manner, your body will get all the essential nutrients, minerals and vitamins.

Never Skip Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You should never skip it; otherwise you will tend to consume high calorie foods during the later part of the day. A wholesome and healthy breakfast is essential for good health.

Read Food Labels

Before buying any packaged or processed food, you should read its label. Check the nutrition facts. Learn to interpret the information on food labels to avoid falling prey to marketing gimmicks. For example, a low-fat food or a low-sugar food does not necessarily mean the food is low in calories.

Do Not Completely Eliminate Carbohydrates From Your Diet

Many people on weight loss programs make the mistake of avoiding carbohydrates all together. Carbohydrates are a good source of energy. A well balanced diet should contain around 40 percent of carbohydrates. For your daily carbohydrate requirement, you should choose whole grains, vegetables, and fruits.

Drink Plenty Of Water

Water helps the body in transportation and assimilation of nutrients. You should consume at least eight glasses of water everyday. That will not only help your body absorb nutrients and eliminate toxins, but will also help you feel full.

It is best to seek advice of a dietician or a nutrition consultant before starting a weight loss program. They will be able to chart a diet plan for you so that you can lose weight without compromising on nutrition.