Geographic Tongue During Pregnancy Or Nursing

Pregnancy is a time of high nutritional need, after all you are “eating for two” now. Not that you need twice the calories but you do need twice the nutrition to build healthy bones and bodies. But in today’s world it is difficult to get the proper nutrition for one let alone enough for two.

I’m convinced that there is a very good reason why so many pregnant women are having tongue problems . You see, research reveals that 80 to 90% of pregnant women are deficient in one or more critical nutrients. As their body’s demand for nutrients increases they just aren’t getting them.


Today’s chemically grown foods just don’t have the nutrients they used to. At the same time the incidence of Geographic Tongue is increasing.

Did you know?
A Recent USDA study showed that only 4% of Americans are getting the minimum recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of their essential vitamins? Another US Government survey found that out of 21,000 people surveyed, NOT ONE of them managed to eat the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of the ten basic nutrients studied. (It’s hard to believe not one out of 21,000, so what are the odds that you are getting what you need?) On any given day, 91% of Americans don’t eat the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables. Because of Modern Agriculture the food you eat doesn’t have the nutritional value your grandparents got from eating the same food. (For instance, incredible as it seems… today you would have to eat 60 servings of spinach to get the same amount of iron as in one serving of spinach in 1948!) 65% of Americans don’t get the minimum daily requirement of Zinc! And Zinc is essential for your immune system

Everyone’s body needs the right nutrients to counteract the damage being inflicted on their bodies every day. But pregnant women are especially vulnerable because the demand for nutrients is so much higher. So if you are pregnant and experiencing Geographic Tongue your body is trying to tell you something. For your health and the health of your baby you need to get the proper nutrition right away!

Obviously, pregnancy is a strain on your body requiring extra nutrients. But, if you nurse your baby (which you should if at all possible) you have extended the time your body needs that extra nutrition. Plus waking up every couple of hours to care for the baby doesn’t help you recuperate from all that stress and strain either and you certainly don’t need the added stress of worrying about Geographic Tongue.

Fortunately, our bodies were designed to know this and have almost super healing powers during this time all they need are the proper building blocks to do it. So there is hope if you have Geographic Tongue and are pregnant or nursing. Get the proper nutrition and it will make a big difference not only for you but for your baby.

If you are pregnant or nursing and have developed geographic tongue and would like more information on Geographic Tongue during pregnancy, check out the additional resources on

Stemtech Product Review- Stem Cells

Maybe it’s the first time you hear of Stem Cell Nutrition or Stem Cell Enhancers before, you’re not alone. This is so new, that many health professionals don’t know of it yet. But countless people’s lives have already been enhanced thanks to this rapidly emerging new industry. Whether you are an entrepreneur looking for the next break or a savvy consumer who wants to stay healthy, you’d be smart to get yourself up to speed.

The tale of STEMTech Health Sciences, the world’s first Stem Cell Nutrition company and global leader of this exciting field, is interesting one.

Although the company itself was founded in 2005, the STEMTech story actually began several decades before that, it was when a school teacher started experimenting with a green botanical growing so thickly on the surface of a nearby lake, that it made the water look like pea soup. He started sharing this new green food, then he noticed, the health benefits people experienced were a far cry from those of pea soup- in fact, they went far beyond what anyone had ever expected.

It was not so long ago, that scientific studies begun unearthing the full extent of the fascinating hidden role of adult stem cells in the body. The result: a powerful new, never-before-seen way to support your body’s ability to maintain vibrant health! Adult stem cells literally constitute the natural renewal system of the body, making Stem Cells Enhancers- proven to support the release of adult stem cells from the bone bone marrow-the new revolution on health and wellness.

In case you were wondering, Stem Cell Nutrition has nothing to do with consuming actual stem cells! And don’t worry it has nothing to do with the highly controversial topic of embryonic stem cells either.

Stem Cell Nutrition is quite simple it’s the concept of consuming nutritional substances that have been shown to support the release and activity of your body’s own adult stem cells.

The benefits can be extremely powerful! That’s because, to quote the U.S. Government’s National Institutes for Health, The primary roles of adult stem cell in a living organism are to maintain and repair the tissue…

In other words, adult stem cells act as your body’s natural renewal system. In fact results of many scientific studies indicate that increasing the number of circulating adult stem cells is probably the most important thing you can do to preserve optimal health.

What’s really exciting is that adult stem cells can become virtually any type of cell in your body, as recent studies have found they can become heart cells, liver cells, pancreatic cells, brain cells, eye cells, the joint and more.

You probably wonder by now, will it work for you? Nobody can tell, but at very attractive price even at retail level, I will continue to take it. I noticed higher energy and stamina in first 2 weeks of using it.

Products, that company offers are for the whole family, even pets.

They feature: Stem Enhance- World’s first Stem Cell Enhancer, StemFLO- Triple Action Circulation Enhancer, StemSport – Focus-Performance-Recovery, StemPets & StemEQUINE- for dogs and horses.

The future is bright for STEMTech and it’s distributors, as evidenced by booming sales and the company extension around the globe. And each purchase of STEMTech product by distributors and their customers helps fund the StemTech Global Fundation, dedicated to support of worth-while children’s and animal causes around the word.

If you interested in building a better future and like helping people, the StemTech oportunity may be just what you’re looking for.

Hiking Up The Mountain With Nutrition

Mountaineering is a strenuous activity; and the last thing you want to happen to you while in the mountains is to faint due to malnutrition. Thus, it is important to take the kinds of food that would help you survive in the mountains. Nutritionists say that mountaineers should take in as much carbohydrates as possible to quickly replenish the energy lost in hiking or climbing.

Carbohydrates provide one’s body with glucose which functions as your body’s fuel. Glucose can be extracted once carbohydrates have been broken down. Glucose joins the bloodstream and provides your body with energy it needs. Glucose can also be stored in your muscle tissues and in your liver.

Glucose maintains the body’s endurance. If the body runs out of glucose in the bloodstream or in the muscle tissues, you will start feeling fatigue. Your muscles could not continue to perform at its optimal level. Since mountaineering consumes a lot of energy, it is advised to load your body with more carbohydrates.

It is highly recommended to start preparing your body’s nutrition for your mountaineering expedition at least three days prior to the event. Your diet should compose of at least 70 percent carbohydrates. It doesn’t necessarily mean you also have to increase your calorie content. Doing so would just make you gain weight.

The best thing to do is to reduce your protein and fat intake, instead. However, higher carbohydrate content in your diet runs you the risk of a decrease intake in other essential nutrients in the long run. That’s why, carb loading would only do you good in the first few days. After which, you should get back to your regular diet.

Since mountaineering involves traveling at higher elevations, your food intake may change at higher altitudes. In fact, studies have shown that mountaineers tend to be more finicky when above 10 000 feet. In your choice of food to carry on your mountaineering trip, don’t just consider the nutritional values. What good would nutritious food do if you don’t feel like eating it?

Higher altitudes actually trigger anorexia and loss of appetite. Not only that, the body will go through an overall change in metabolism. Your body may not be able to digest some of the food you eat when you’re at home. These are the reasons why mountaineering contributes to weight loss, on top of the fact that a climber should expect to burn more calories at elevated locations.

Because of this, you tend to consumer more food so pack more food than what you normally eat at home. Still, you will have to consider your nutrition intake. The recommended ratio is about 70% carbohydrate, and the rest for fat and protein. Fatty foods require much more oxygen to digest, thus, if you packed high-fat foods, it could slow down your acclimatization.

There are actually a lot of power bars which are specifically formulated for mountaineers available in the supermarkets. You could also check out their dehydrated foods and other packaged camping foods which are usually freeze dried. They won’t weigh that much but they’re packed with the nutrients you’ll need to last for your trip.

However, as mentioned earlier, since you tend to become picky when it comes to food, plan your menu wisely. Pack foods that aren’t only nutritious, but also palatable. Don’t compromise your trip by packing food you’re not willing to eat. You won’t be able to enjoy the scenery when you’re energy level’s down.

Different people also have different dietary needs. Not all healthy camping foods work well with everyone. So that means you may have to experiment on what food works best for you. When you don’t find a food appealing at a certain height, most likely, it won’t taste any better higher up. Try to take with you the tastiest and healthiest foods you can find.

Mountaineering is one of the sports that you really need to prepare for. Aside from the physical training that you should get, you should always check that you’re also getting enough nutrients to get through the activity. Even if you have the leanest body and the strongest lungs, but you weren’t able to get proper nutrition, you may not thoroughly enjoy the trip as you’ll probably get tired easily.

Nutrition Rules For Ripped Abs

Working out at the gym to get ripped abs is only half the equation; to get ripped abs you must pay attention to what you eat.

You dont need a degree in advanced mathematics in order to build a nutrition program to develop ripped abs. Follow these 4 simple rules to shed bodyfat and get your abs to pop.

Ripped Abs Rule #1 Eat Less Carbs

When youre attempting to shed body fat, your goal needs to be to deplete your carbohydrate stores. Simply put, the more carbs you consume the less likely you are to shed bodyfat because carbs are your bodys primary energy source.

In turn, your body will use your carbohydrate stores also known as muscle glycogen as energy instead of using stored body fat.

Cut out al refined and processed carbohydrates such as white bread, white potatoes, sugary cereals and sweets as well as juice and soda.

Ripped Abs Rule #2 Eat More Protein

In order to avoid losing lean muscle tissue you must consume a diet high in protein especially when carbohydrates are drastically eliminated.

The simple rule to follow is to eat about 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight per day. Get your protein for high quality sources such as lean beef, salmon, chicken breast and if you prefer; protein bars and shakes (although protein supplements are not mandatory)

Ripped Abs Rule #3 Eat More Fiber

By eating more fiber you increase the volume of food, making it harder for your body to absorb all of the calories that youre eating. If youre trying to get ripped, thats obviously a big help.

Fiber also decreases your appetite and enhances the length of time you feel full from your meals. You should strive to consume about 30 to 40 grams of dietary fiber every day. Great sources of fiber include apples, beans, oatmeal, sweet potatoes and whole grain breads.

Ripped Abs Rule #4 Control Your Fat Consumption

By this I mean eat more good fats and less bad fats. Good fats include unsaturated fats such as olive oil, fish, almonds, eggs. Bad fats come from refined and pre-packaged foods such as frozen dinners, pastries, and fried foods.

Youll want to avoid these fats like the plague because they do nothing for you to help you build ripped abs other than put you at a greater risk for all kinds of negative health ailments.

Get on a solid exercise program and stay consistent with your workouts and youre guaranteed to have rock-solid, ripped abs everyone at the beach and pool will notice in the summer time.

Nutrition for Athletes Should Include Live Enzymes

When looking for the best nutrition for athletes, understand that live enzymes are not nutrients resembling vitamins and minerals. They are catalysts, which appear as biochemical agents combining two compounds so they can react with each other, while the enzyme itself remains intact.

The relevance of live enzymes, notably in nutrition for athletes, cannot be over-inflated, “In short, virtually nothing happens in the body without the help of enzymes”, says Ellen W. Cutler, co-author of ‘Micro Miracles’. Live enzymes are frequently mentioned in discussions surrounding nutrition for athletes, but what are they, why does anyone need them, and where do people uncover them?

Enzymes are not nutrients like protein, vitamins, minerals, or carbohydrates, but they are catalysts for the chemical reactions that make those nutrients work in the body. While there are 1,300 distinct variations of live enzymes that help the body function, the most common are digestive enzymes. Equally fundamental are metabolic enzymes that are important to burning fat and generating energy.

Metabolic enzymes originate in five different areas of the body, the stomach, liver, salivary glands, the wall of the small intestine, and the pancreas. Since energy is fundamental to build muscle, to sustain a natural weight loss routine or to stay physically fit, metabolic enzymes play a central role in appropriate nutrition for athletes.

It is quite clear that digestive enzymes are crucial live enzymes, too. If your body does not have an adequate amount, the organs switch functions. The liver and the pancreas from producing metabolic enzymes, so tasks like converting fat into energy are given a lower priority. That is not beneficial for an athlete requiring nutrition to burn fat and spark energy. Live enzymes help deliver essential nutrition for athletes to most effectively burn fat and produce energy.

According to Joseph Brasco, M.D., Gastroenterologist at the Center of Colon and Digestive Diseases in Huntsville, Alabama, “Because the pancreas and liver need energy to produce enzymes, the resulting drain renders the organs temporarily unable to perform their functions of detoxification, blood sugar control and fat burning”. So, lacking those healthy, digestive, live enzymes and metabolic enzymes, you feel lethargic, tend to get fat, and you could even endure mood swings.

To understand why live enzymes are critical in nutrition for athletes, you should know the description of enzymes from ‘The Nutrition Almanac-4th Edition’ (1996 McGraw Hill, Gayla J. Kirschmann and John D. Kirschmann), “The active chemicals in the digestive juices which cause the chemical breakdown of foods are called enzymes, combinations of amino acids that are capable of inducing chemical changes in other substances”.

Fortunately, live enzymes are now relatively easy to come by in concentrated whole foods that deliver absolutely natural nutrition for athletes. Some of the ultimate concentrated whole foods and health drinks with live enzymes are offered only online. Teeming with effective antioxidants that can be readily assimilated by the body, these formulas deliver a brilliant regenerating effect on the liver and pancreas, as well as the adrenals, reproductive glands, nervous system and kidneys.

To acquire the correct digestive juices that change nutrients into energy, explore the Internet for online health food stores that suggest nutrition for athletes with live enzymes from whole foods. Look for natural whole foods and health drinks that are made from real fruits, herbs and other plants. Feeding the body the nutrients it needs with live enzymes helps it to absorb those nutrients more productively and perform at optimal levels over the long haul.