Common Mistakes In Nutrition For Athletes

Many people think that athletes are examples of health and that it is strictly related to their nutrition plans and a lot of exercise. Well, in some cases it is true, but there are still people who consider themselves as athletes and practice some totally inappropriate diet, what may finally end in serious health problems. The next time you will meet one of them, try to speak about following issues to make sure, that they know what and why they are eating.

Extra proteins will help you to gain more muscles

Professional nutrition plans for athletes prohibit more than 2.5 times higher protein intake than it is shown in RDA. The higher intake can be responsible for dehydration or even severe problems with liver or kidney. Furthermore there is no scientific proof that high-protein diet will effect in gaining extra muscles.

Athlete should intake fluid when he is thirsty

One of the most common problems in athlete’s life is the possibility of dehydration. Even when an athlete is not thirsty, he may need additional fluid to drink, for every lost pound of weight should be replaced with no less than two cups of water.

Nutrition plan for athletes before competition should not contain sugar

We must remember that sugar gives us energy, so small intakes of this carbohydrate will not only bring no harm, but even can be beneficial for the performance of the athlete.

Sport drinks are good only for those athletes who exercise a lot

Again, we speak about the danger of dehydration. While the total water loss due to exercises may wary depending on the type of exercises, conditions of the gym and the health status of the athlete, the possible problems caused by dehydration are so severe that there should be no restriction in drinking sport drinks, even by those who exercise for less than an hour a day.

You can lose weight when you exercise a lot

This is another common myth. Of course when we consider the water loss as loss of the weight, we may still believe in this superstition, thus endangering ourselves to dehydration. A true athlete, however, knows that every water loss must be replaced as soon as possible and the best and the safest way to loose some additional weight is by proper nutrition for athletes.

While we all want to have healthy and good looking bodies we must remember that not everyone can be an athlete. And when we finally become one of them,we should always keep in mind a single fact, only proper nutrition for athletes, free of popular, but false, beliefs and myths can let us not only stay for years in good shape but also win.

Geographic Tongue During Pregnancy Or Nursing

Pregnancy is a time of high nutritional need, after all you are “eating for two” now. Not that you need twice the calories but you do need twice the nutrition to build healthy bones and bodies. But in today’s world it is difficult to get the proper nutrition for one let alone enough for two.

I’m convinced that there is a very good reason why so many pregnant women are having tongue problems . You see, research reveals that 80 to 90% of pregnant women are deficient in one or more critical nutrients. As their body’s demand for nutrients increases they just aren’t getting them.


Today’s chemically grown foods just don’t have the nutrients they used to. At the same time the incidence of Geographic Tongue is increasing.

Did you know?
A Recent USDA study showed that only 4% of Americans are getting the minimum recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of their essential vitamins? Another US Government survey found that out of 21,000 people surveyed, NOT ONE of them managed to eat the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of the ten basic nutrients studied. (It’s hard to believe not one out of 21,000, so what are the odds that you are getting what you need?) On any given day, 91% of Americans don’t eat the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables. Because of Modern Agriculture the food you eat doesn’t have the nutritional value your grandparents got from eating the same food. (For instance, incredible as it seems… today you would have to eat 60 servings of spinach to get the same amount of iron as in one serving of spinach in 1948!) 65% of Americans don’t get the minimum daily requirement of Zinc! And Zinc is essential for your immune system

Everyone’s body needs the right nutrients to counteract the damage being inflicted on their bodies every day. But pregnant women are especially vulnerable because the demand for nutrients is so much higher. So if you are pregnant and experiencing Geographic Tongue your body is trying to tell you something. For your health and the health of your baby you need to get the proper nutrition right away!

Obviously, pregnancy is a strain on your body requiring extra nutrients. But, if you nurse your baby (which you should if at all possible) you have extended the time your body needs that extra nutrition. Plus waking up every couple of hours to care for the baby doesn’t help you recuperate from all that stress and strain either and you certainly don’t need the added stress of worrying about Geographic Tongue.

Fortunately, our bodies were designed to know this and have almost super healing powers during this time all they need are the proper building blocks to do it. So there is hope if you have Geographic Tongue and are pregnant or nursing. Get the proper nutrition and it will make a big difference not only for you but for your baby.

If you are pregnant or nursing and have developed geographic tongue and would like more information on Geographic Tongue during pregnancy, check out the additional resources on